Monday, April 21, 2008

You know I am pathetic when it takes my sister and two friends to get me to get with it and do this whole blogging scene.  I am just far to lazy for all of this.  It just so happens that yesterday in Sunday School they were saying how Elder Ballard had said Blogging was a good way to share the gospel and that it was a good way to journal.  Considering that i totally suck at journaling and I am always up for sharing the gospel.... AND my sister won't get off my back I thought- OK, i guess i will do it, just for the sheer joy of J.J. not bugging me anymore  :)  HA HA Jenny!!

So I am posting a newer photo of my kids and I at the Tulip festival in La Connor , WA that we attended a couple of weeks ago.  It was very lovely and if you ever make it to Washington in the spring it is a must do.  I think a week later than we went would have been perfect- Mid April-  Most of the tulips were out but not all.  So Lovely  :)

PS- Thanks J.J. for picking some AWESOME songs for my playlist.  I haven't heard Caterpillar girl in FOREVER- back in my teenage angst, wear black all day period, it was a favorite  :)  I did have to add the Scientist...and if I figure it out a few more!!  LOVED the Smiths too!!